Episode 12 – When ideals meet reality

How many of you are dreamers? Maybe holding on to firmly rooted ideals or a hard won version?

We’re sure we are not the only one’s whose days often fall far short of these. So do we just give up on the big picture? Is it possible to hold on to our vision in the midst of the everyday muddles and mess?

We’d love you to join us for this uplifting and practical conversation as we offer suggestions on how we can indeed hold firmly to our God-given ideals while living through seasons of change and challenge.

Listen in on Spotify or Apple Podcasts and be encouraged!

Mentioned in this podcast:

Episode 11 – Socialisation

It’s the hot potato… Maybe the question we are most asked and one of the concerns which might be uppermost in our own minds as we home educate our children.

“How will they socialise?”

Before we can answer that, we need to consider what we and others actually mean when asking this loaded question. Join Helen, Clare and Molly in a lively conversation as they unpack some helpful themes, ask insightful questions, suggest some practical tips and most of all offer some firmly rooted reassurance.

Listen in and be encouraged!

Listen here on Spotify or find us on Apple Podcasts.

Episode 10 – Easter

As we prepare for our Easter celebrations – maybe baking spiced cookies or a simnel cake, helping small hands to create cards and decorations, or preparing our homes for adult children or guests to join us – we have a special Easter Episode for you.

We invite you to pour yourself a favourite drink and listen in while Helen, Ruth, Clare and Molly share some encouraging stories, answers to prayer and Home Ed optimism! Whether you take a break from term time rhythms or not, we trust that you will find some time to rest, enjoy a different pace and be replenished in areas where you are weary and depleted. May the God of Hope fill you and your family with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so you can overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. (Romans 15:13)

Happy Easter!

Listen here on Spotify or find us on Apple Podcasts.

Episode 9 – Curriculum Choice: ACE

Are you considering home educating but wondering how to continue with paid work as well as giving your children a rigorous, varied, Bible-based education? It sounds a big ask but this is exactly what Clare does with the help of the ACE curriculum.

Join her and Molly as they discuss the philosophy behind ACE and the day-to-day practicalities of how it works. It could be the answer for your family!

Listen on Spotify or find us on Apple Podcasts.

Episode 8 – Lent

As this episode airs, you may be whisking up some pancakes all ready for a Shrove Tuesday feast. We hope you enjoy a hearty and fun filled celebration.

But what about Lent? How can we observe this season of fasting and preparation for Easter? Are there any faith strengthening habits we can practice and family enhancing rituals we can integrate into our daily rhythms during the next six weeks? Come and join us as we share some thoughts on Lent, some of our own family traditions and of course, some resources.

Listen here on Spotify or on Apple Podcasts search for Rooted to Flourish Home Ed Podcast.

All of the books below can be found on our Rooted To Flourish Goodreads list.

Resources for the family:

And for Mums:

Also Mentioned in this Epsiode

Episode 7 – A Question of Exams

Sooner or later, everyone connected with a Home Ed family has the same question – what about exams? Well. What about them? Are they compulsory? Can you manage them from home? Are they necessary? How? When? Where? Which? The questions come thick and fast.

When we planned this episode of our podcast, we thought of the click bait style titles. “My teen did no exams – look what happened next!” Or “10 Reasons You Don’t Need GCSES”. But then, we’re not really that sensationalist!

Instead, listen in as three of our mums chat candidly about their experiences. See how the exam journey is different for each family – and even for each child in the same family. Hear some of the considerations that came up as we helped our teens decide if and when to take exams. Rest assured, this will be the first of several episodes to cover this beefy matter…

Listen on Spotify or Apple Podcasts.

Mentioned in this episode:

Episode 6 – Christmas Edition!

Our first Rooted to Flourish Christmas episode! We’d love to be sitting with you around a blazing fire, sipping warm spiced drinks and partaking of mouthwatering mince pies while sharing our Christmas traditions and memories. However, as this sadly isn’t possible, we hope our special Christmas episode with Helen, Molly, Clare and Ruth will encourage you as you bake, wrap,make or grab a few minutes to sit down yourself.

May you know the redeeming love of Jesus in the midst of your family this Christmas. We hope you get time to rest. Replenish weary souls, laugh, play games, read good books, enjoy plenty of fresh air and eat delicious food.


“May the God of Hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Romans 15:13

Listen on Spotify or Apple Podcasts!

Episode 5 – Starting Out

Are you at the beginning of your home Ed adventure? Are you considering taking your child out of school to embark on Home Education? If so, this is the episode for you! Actually, we think there are nuggets of wisdom which will encourage you wherever you are on your journey.

Come and listen to Ruth share her experiences. She took her children out of secondary school and watched them flourish – not only at home, but later on as older teens and young adults.

If you have younger children, we hope Molly’s long term perspective will reassure and encourage you. We know you want to enjoy this precious time with your little ones. For those who have children with additional needs, please listen in and know you’re not alone.

Listen Here on Spotify and you can also find all five episodes on Apple Podcasts at Rooted to Flourish Home Ed Podcast!

Mentioned in the episode – “Another Way to Learn? Discovering the Beauty of Home Education”

Episode 4 – Family Advent

Today Helen and Mary are joined by fellow Home-Educator Kirstine to discuss Advent resources for the family.

With the hectic pace of December it can be really hard to find time as a family to focus on the real meaning of Advent. In this episode we chat about some of our favourite resources that we have used to refocus on Jesus and prepare our hearts for Christmas.

Do you have any favourites that we haven’t come across? Do let us know in the comments!

Listen to the Episode here

Here’s a list of the resources we discussed:





Episode 3 – The Whys

Welcome to episode 3 of Rooted to Flourish Home Ed Podcast!

We’re so glad you can join us today as Molly and Ruth talk through our “whys” of Home Ed; why we begin this journey, why we continue and how we increasingly can see the benefits of Home Education in our older children’s lives. We hope that you will be encouraged and maybe inspired to pray over and jot down your own “whys”. This is a fun exercise which will help shape your vision, keep you on track during the tough times and add direction during those cross road moments.

Listen here on Spotify

To dig a bit deeper, check out these resources down below:

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